Author Archives: Grzegorz

The code repository moved to Bitbucket

The GODUNOV code repository has been moved to Bitbucket. You can find it under the GODUNOV Code project. This repository is public, so anyone is welcome to clone it and contribute to the code.


The GODUNOV code version 2.5

Another update of the GODUNOV code to version 2.5 with important changes:

  • in the new time step estimation include the acceleration from source terms, such as forcing or gravity; also print the time step limit resulting from the acceleration in the integral file,
  • implement magnetic field discontinuity detection in subroutine interpolate() in module OPERATORS, and improve discontinuity detection limits in derivative_1st(),
  • implement a new integration of the electromotive force for vector potential update using constrained transport upwind (CTU) method described by Gardiner & Stone (2005),
  • rewrite the isothermal HLLD solver,
  • compact the integration progress information printed on the screen; also print markers when the integrals, snapshots or restart files are written,
  • improve the Python and IDL subroutines to read variables, coordinates, and attributes from the HDF5 snapshots,
  • add better bounds for the random subvolume injection in module FORCING,
  • a few fixes in modules FORCING and MESH.

In order to track all history changes of the code go to (Update: the code is hosted on Bitbucket now, go to

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

Release of the GODUNOV code version 2.4

A new update of the GODUNOV code version 2.4 with several fixes:

  • more general default host file to support more compilers,
  • rename bext(:) to buni(:) for the uniform magnetic field components,
  • new parameter ‘dtres’ to determine the real time interval for storing the restart dumps,
  • new parameter ‘tsfor’ to indicate when the forcing should be shut down,
  • add a timer for the I/O operations,
  • rewrites and fixes in modules ALGEBRA, EQUATIONS, FORCING, INTEGRALS, MESH, SCHEMES, and TIMERS.

From now there is possibility to track all history changes of the code on (Update: the code is hosted on Bitbucket now, go to

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

Quick update of the GODUNOV code to version 2.3

A new quick update of the GODUNOV code version 2.3 with just a few fixes:

  • make the default host file work with the GNU Fortran compiler,
  • add several variable checks in makefile and inform user if the compilation environment is incorrect,
  • add parameter files for a few basic test problems,
  • remove IDL subroutines for the HDF4 support, since this is not supported anymore.

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

The GODUNOV code updated to version 2.2!

A new update of the GODUNOV code version 2.2 with a few new features added and several fixes:

  • add hyperbolic div(B) source terms to GLM-MHD (option HEGLM),
  • store primitive variables in restart files too (this fixes problems in some situations with job restarting),
  • improvements to reconstructions LimO3 and MP and rewrite of minmod(), minmod4() and median(),
  • implementation of Jenkins & Traub rpoly() and Laguerre’s zroots() root finding subroutines in module ALGEBRA,
  • divergence free open boundaries for GLM-MHD.

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

The GODUNOV code updated to version 2.1!

A small update of the GODUNOV code to version 2.1.

  • optimization of the boundaries,
  • current density is calculated in sources now.

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

The release of the GODUNOV code version 2.0!

The next version 2.0 of the GODUNOV code has been released. The changes with respect to the previous version are listed below.

  • hyperbolic divergence cleaning using the GLM-MHD equations and EGLM-MHD equations,
  • improved the code for shock detection,
  • parameter file checker,
  • the reduction of memory utilization,
  • bug fixes.

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

The GODUNOV code version 1.0 released!

Finally, after more that 5 years, I have prepared a version 1.0 of the GODUNOV code, a uniform mesh version of the AMUN code. The list below specifies what the current version of the code supports.

  • rectangular (Cartesian) domain in 2D and 3D,
  • hydrodynamical (HYDRO) and magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) equations,
  • adiabatic (ADI) and isothermal (ISO) equation of state,
  • viscosity and resistivity source terms,
  • turbulence forcing,
  • time integration using Euler and Runge-Kutta methods up to 4th order,
  • spatial interpolation using 2nd order TVD methods, 3rd order CENO, WENO3, and LimO3 methods; 5th order WENO and WENO-Z methods, and from 3rd to 9th order monotonicity-preserving (MP) methods,
  • the HLL-family of approximate Riemann solvers (HLL, HLLC, and HLLD),
  • CD and CT schemes for the induction equation,
  • MPI parallelization.

Feel free to download the source code from the page Download and if you have any problems or questions, give me a feedback.

Welcome to the AMUN code website!

AMUN is a code to perform numerical simulations in a fluid approximation on uniform or adaptive meshes with and without magnetic field. The goal in developing this code is to create a solid framework for simulations on uniform and adaptive meshes in the Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinate systems with a number of numerical methods which can be selectable in an easy manner. The code is completely written in Fortran 2003.

The following features are already implemented:

  • hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic set of equations,
  • Cartesian coordinate system,
  • uniform and adaptive mesh generation and update,
  • 2nd and 3rd order time integration using Runge-Kutta methods,
  • 2nd order TVD interpolation with number of limiters, 3rd order LimO3 interpolation, and 5th, 7th, and 9th order Monotonicity Preserving interpolations,
  • Riemann solvers of Roe- and HLL-types (HLL, HLLC, and HLLD),
  • periodic and open boundary conditions,
  • incompressive turbulence driving by the Alvelius method,
  • viscosity and resistivity source terms,
  • data stored in the HDF5 format,
  • MPI parallization,
  • full GNU gfortran compatibility.